WE THE PEOPLE OF INDIA shows an end to the colonizing past of India and the constitution derives its power from people of India indicating democracy. As we know the democracy is .... of the people, by the people, for the people told by Abraham Lincoln.
SOVEREIGN - No interference of any foreign state in the internal affairs of the country. We have taken the membership of commonwealth, UNO and other international organizations but it's not going to affect the internal decisions taken. 
SOCIALIST - It's not like it was in USSR, but it's a blend of Gandhian socialism and Marxian socialism means not with a very strong center and a ban on privatization. We adopted the ideology on the ground of protecting poor people in the country.
SECULAR - It means state doesn't discriminate on the ground of religion. State doesn't support any religion in the country. Here we are having a positive concept of secularism unlike in western countries there is a separation between state and religion. It was ensured to the people of India in the form of fundamental rights under article 25-28 but later in the 42nd constitutional amendment act it was added in the preamble as we read the constitution in the light of preamble.
DEMOCRATIC - As we all know the free and fair election, one person one vote one value, and representative democracy in hugely populated country like India are the features of democracy.
REPUBLIC - The head of the state when elected by the people, we call it as republic unlike Britain where king (Head of the state) is hereditary. Here in India, we choose our president indirectly by the method of PRSTV.
JUSTICE - This has been taken from USSR. Political justice like right to vote, right to constitutional remedy, right to participate in the election. Social justice forms the part of justice required in cases like untouchability, discrimination on the ground of caste, religion, gender, sex, place of birth etc. Economical justice is justice regarding fulfilling the economic needs of the individual.
LIBERTY - It indicates no restraints on activities done by individuals. So, the liberty has been given in case of thought, expression, belief, faith and worship.
EQUALITY - Equality of status and opportunity has been given to ensure equal level playing field. The equality of outcome has not been ensured as it depends on the individual capacity and hard work, but the opportunity is ensured.
FRATERNITY - It indicates brotherhood among the people of the country. The feelings of binding the people of the country together ensuring dignity of the individual. Eventually this will lead to unity and integrity of the nation.
FINALLY, on 26th November1949, we adopted, enacted and gave this constitution to ourselves.

